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Ask HN: How do you avoid procrastinating and actually start working on projects? - gremlinsinc
I find that my tendency is to procrastinate, but I'm wondering how people get things done at work/school or on projects when they tend to procrastinate the most.How do you balance this out?
I try to do stuff on the side that doesn't require me to spend much time.
Although I try to use email as a distraction to get the non-trivial work done
it doesn't always work.
The invention relates to a static power supply arrangement which includes a plurality of current-carrying lines, each of which is connected by a switching device to a power supply circuit.
Current-carrying lines are commonly used in static power supply arrangements, for example in switching power supply arrangements in which a current-carrying line is connected to an AC voltage source and is connected by a switching element, for example a transistor, to a converter circuit, which converts the AC voltage to a DC voltage. Such a static power supply arrangement may be used, for example, in a switching power supply which is used in a car battery system to supply energy to a vehicle.
In the prior art, each current-carrying line is connected to be359ba680
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